“Dj Sumbody is gone, you are next,” Emtee waht he says ?

The well-known rapper known as Emtee has also expressed to the people of South Africa that he has received death threats that were written, ” Dj Sumbody is dead, You are next”.

This young man has been said to be looking at beefing up his security because of such threats because he does not know when these criminals will strike.


Emtee has alluded that he has been receiving many death threats in the past two years and he wants to get himself some armed security.

South African artists are being killed every single day, and the unfortunate part is that the police service is failing to get the criminals who are behind the killings as it continues to inflict pain on other South Africans who love these artists.

Artists should be protected because they bring value into this country, and this is something that the government should prioritize, especially in times like this where they’re being killed like flies.