Pretty is a bride to be
Lehasa ended up asking for Pretty to marry him because he cannot afford to lose her again. Pretty asked Lehasa that she cannot continue to stay with him if he doesn’t marry her. Lehasa now asked Pretty to marry him but she did not give him an answer yet.
I think the reason why Pretty did this it’s because Lehasa did not propose because he wanted to. He felt pressured to do this. Now that Lehasa has proposed and if Pretty says yes, will Lehasa put a ring around her finger or he is just proposing?
Pretty should have not forced Lehasa to do this because if he really loved her, he would have married her instead of Khwezi. Khwezi is going to get the shock of her life when she sees Pretty with a ring on her finger and coming back to the house.
“You are my order, you are my harmony”. I’m not chopping onions 🥹🥹 Lehasa has finally asked Pretty to marry him 🥹🥹#SkeemSaam
— Thandeka (@Thandekamabuz) January 17, 2023