Babes Wodumo is a bad person because she let the poor woman beg for money until she died.

South africans woke up to another shocking news today, it is with great sadness to announce the passing of mampintsha’s mother who has been suffering with stroke. Zamanguni Gumede has been fighting stroke for a very long time, for the past years she has been in and out of hospitals. Things started to get worse after the death of her son mampintsha’s, a few weeks ago she was taken to hospital after she collapsed after seeing babes Wodumo preparing her son’s funeral without even letting her to see the copse.


Zamanguni Gumede and babes Wodumo has never seen eye to eye, they have been fighting for a very long time. Mampintsha’s mother says babes Wodumo is not good for her son while babes Wodumo claims that she’s not a good mother because she didn’t even raise mampintsha. The relationship between mampintsha and his mom wasn’t too health as she didn’t raise him, he grew up with his father. Even on their marriage, mampintsha’s mother didn’t even approve the marriage, she was against it.

A few days ago mampintsha’s sisters took it to social media to beg for donations so that they can be able to pay a better hospital bill for their mother who wasn’t getting better. Many people were surprised on why are they asking for donations instead of telling babes Wodumo pay the bills because mampintsha’s left money. Mind you, babes Wodumo has accused this sisters of bewitching her, so obvious she wouldn’t even help them.

Following all that, today peope are calling babes Wodumo heartless, they claims that she is evil for letting mampintsha’s mother beg for donations until her last breath while her son left money and wealth. Some even said if babes Wodumo had helped by settleing the hospital bills the poor woman wouldn still be alive although some say it wasn’t her responsibility. In my opinion, it was her responsibility, the poor woman doesn’t have a proper income and surely her son left millions so the least she should do was to help with hospital bills, she’s indeed heartless.
