Kanye West’s new alleged wife looks alike with his former wife. Check the pictures

Kanye West is being reported to have married Bianca Censori, according to sources, and she looks like his former wife, Kim Kardashian. They are almost identical, and if they were siblings, it was not going to come as a surprise. Kim does have siblings, and for someone like Cloe, they do not look alike when Bianca is in the picture. What does it tell us about Kanye to have someone who looks like his former partner?


It had been claimed that it happens all the time when a person has a new partner who looks like his previous one. That is not something to get back at their previous partners, but that is how the new partner would choose to have a partner. It is not something done to make someone feel bad about their new partner. There are many people who have partners who look alike.

Kanye West, before his divorce was finalized, was seen in pictures with a lady who looked like his former wife. That is something that should not be taken for clout but as how the man has been choosing a partner for himself. Kanye was not heavily into the media, but after he went through divorce, the media spotlight has been on him.

Even when it comes to Kim, she is also experiencing the same thing, and she was heavily criticized for her new partner at that time. If you get married to someone who works on TV and is seen all the time, that person surely has a social media account, and they are posting regularly about their work. They also get to post about their lifestyle, which is something you share with the world about how you live and what you like to do.

It is great that they have both moved on. When the divorce was finalized, that was a moment to show they will not do any business together unless they have to deal with something that concerns their children.