Reshoketswe Portia Mmola is famously known as Shoki is a renowned South African actress, casting director and fashion designer. She is multifaceted woman who is working very hard to achieve her dreams and have a bright future. She is vibrant and embracing woman who is full of energy, courage and confidence.
She is best known for her role as Celia Magongwa on SABC 1 educational drama series Skeem Saam. She has won the hearts of many viewers through her good acting skills. She is beautiful and brilliant and she has a sense of humor and personality.
She has appeared in several television series including Muvhango, Death of a Queen, Soul City to mention more. She has worked as a translator and also children’s television series Takalani Sesame . On her recent post on social media account she left Mzansi astounded with her latest post spending quality time with her family. Please comment, like, click and kindly share your thoughts.