Mosebjadi from Skeem Saam flaunts being a Grade 12 in 2023 | See her cute back to school pictures

Zizo Sobutyu who plays the character of Mosebjadi on Skeem Saam is one of the South African teenage actors who are still in school. She is an 18-year-old teenager who is balancing work of being an actress and a full time student. Zizo has shared on multiple interviews that at first it was very difficult to find balance in being a student and an actress. She has developed a coping mechanism and is now able to balance the two aspects of her life successfully.



Zizo Sobutyu is a full time student at Midrand High School where she started her higher grades. She was doing Grade 11 in the previous year and because of her hard work towards her academics, Zizo was promoted to be part of the class of 2023. She could not wait any longer for this moment and she looks forward on accumulating distinctions for all her school subjects.Unlike most grade who will return to school on the 11th of January, Zizo Sobutyu has returned back to school because she is a Grade 12. She recently took it to her Instagram that she is part of the class of 2023. She flaunted cute pictures of herself in her school uniform with her hair tied neatly. Zizo seems to be very excited about returning back to school; it is all written on her face. This year for Zizo Sobutyu means completing another important chapter of her life to open doors for new ones. She looks forward on accumulating a university acceptance from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Zizo Sobutyu looks forward on studying towards her career, Filming and Television in order to sharpen her craft.Her fans and followers on Instagram are so happy for her and wish her well in her studies. Below are some of the warm and lovely comments from her fans.