“I’m 23 years and a first year UNISA student I lost my mother when I was 6 months pregnant and my baby daddy

“I’m 23 years and a first year UNISA student
I lost my mother when I was 6 months pregnant and my baby daddy left me when I was going through depression.
This post is not about me
I met this guy when my daughter was 10 months and now she’s 2 years and 4 months
This guy loves my baby so much you’d swear he’s her biological father.
When he enters the room, my daughter’s happiness reaches the climax
Their bond warms my heart





He’s never busy for me
He’s still unemployed and hustling.
But my daughter gets everything she needs..
His family loves us too!!
I’ve never felt this kind of love before..
And #imstaying because of him..