Babes Wodumo reveals that Mampintsha had many girlfriends as she checks on his phone

She is not heartbroken

Babes Wodumo reveals that he had many girlfriends as she keep on searching Mampintsha’s cell phone. Why would Mampintsha do this to Babes Wodumo, because she loved him very much and she looks disappointed. Babes Wodumo will never recover from this even though Mampintsha loved her and made sure she had everything she wanted.


Will Babes Wodumo expose those women that Mampintsha was cheating with? I think she will expose them as time goes, once she is drunk she will do it. She will not let this go because all those women were coming between her and her husband.

In my opinion I think Babes Wodumo should put all these things to rest and focus on being a mother and raise her son. All these things will remind her on how Mampintsha played her as a wife and it will cause her to have a depression.
