Babes Wodumo left people angry after she started Using Mapintsha’s phone: See a video that she took

Babes Wodumo left people angry after she started Using Mapintsha’s phone: See a video that she took

If there is only one thing that might bring a pain that never goes away is losing the closest person you ever loved and that person loved you back. There’s no way you could heal so early after the burial even if you have people around you.




Just a few days ago, Babes Wodumo had buried her late husband Mamphumulo who goes by the name of Mapintsha in Music industry. These two really loved each other and nobody could even try to separate them. They were blessed with a daughter that they couldn’t forget from God. However, as you know that death has no boundaries when it comes to taking people, Mapintsha’s family was visited and unfortunately the bread winner, an artist, a father and a husband to Babes Wodumo was taken.

It was so heartbreaking to receive the sad news that Babes Wodumo lost her man due to stroke he suffered for a long period of time. Due to heart failure, the stoke was very high as he was performing and he was rushed to the hospital. Oh shame, May his soul rest in peace.

However, Babes Wodumo made a joke during his final destination that she would go through his phone and finds whomever was behind him trying to steal him. And guess what? She finally did managed to log in into his phone, accessed everything she could and finally went live telling people that she meant business. Although it was a joke, some people took it very seriously and told her to heal without showing off to the people.

@Kennie:I think better focus on healing cause in all honest what you are doing is damaging yourself more, an uzihlekisa ngalezo ntombi ozibonayo. He’s not around to answer for himself anymore, u can’t fight lezo ntombi either. Just flush the phone and focus on the kid and your healing. This will depress you more. Think for that soul that needs you.
