Is Mayeni Rude On Uthando Nesthembu?

South African Reality Show Uthando nesthembu graced our screens showcasing the lives of a polygamous marriage. Musa Mseleku is a man that is married to five wives.


All the wives have different personalities which is why South Africans love them and always watch the show.

Nokukhanya Mayeni Mseleku is the second wife and is mostly known as a woman with few words. In most of the episodes she usually plays her candy crush games and only talks when needed. She is a mother of two sons namely Mpumelelo and Mnini.

In the recent episodes it was shown that her son Mpumelelo wants to also be a polygamous man and his mother has been against it because she expressed how marriage is not always a walk in the park.

In the last few episodes Mayeni refused to be assisted and have her make up done by another person. She insisted that she wants to it to be done by her usual make up artist.

A lot of viewers found it very rude and asked why she said what she said in the presence of the new artist.