Heartbreaking: Zoleka Mandela shares a picture with her late family members

Zoleka Mandela who’s the granddaughter of Nelson and Winnie Mandela took to social media to share a picture she took with her family members. In the Picture Zoleka posed with her grandmother Winnie, her mother Zindziswa and daughter Zenani. This was an emotional picture because all those people she’s with are no more.



The first to lose her life was her daughter Zenani, who died at the age of 13 after returning from the FiFA World Cup opening ceremony in 2010. Her grandmother tragically passed away in 2018 at the age of 81 from diabetes. Her mother, Zindzi, died in 2020 at the age of 59 after contracting Covid-19.

Losing your loved ones its a hard thing however Zoleka has chosen to remain positive. In her caption she wrote that they are her beloved ancestors. She also wrote that “with our future ahead of us and the ancestors behind us there’s nothing we can’t do” meaning she believes they are watching over her.



