Makhadzi English name left people in stitches

Topic: Makhadzi English name left people in stitches.

South African born artist Makhadzi whom her real name is Ndivhudzanyi Ralivhona is continuing performing on the international stages, making history and name for her self.

Yesterday on Christmas day, Makhadzi was in Botswana were after that show, she announced that she’s done with the international shows for this year.



Multi-award-winning South African musician Makhadzi once faces arrest and jail time in Botswana over unpaid debts and a string of no-shows. Batswana were generous enough to forgive Makhadzi for past transgressions but their patience has been stretched thin.

Now Agreement between Makhadzi and The Promoter in Botswana signed yesterday before they release her. On the court document which shared, it is were people spotted Makhadzi English name and left in stitches.


“Decorate is such a beautiful name… Makhadzi’s talent is exactly her 2nd name”.

“Decorate must deal with her management team”.
