Idols SA Judge marries his partner of 12 years, See photos

Jr Bogopa and Tshepi Vundla are now married. They have been together for 12 years and have two kids together; a son, Sibabalwe Lehakwe and a daughter Liyema Leru Bogopa.

Founder and CEO of Fyve Tabure Thabo Bogopa Junior is a South African songwriter, record producer, creative entrepreneur and musician, popularly known by his stage name JR. Thabo Bogopa Junior joined the Idols South Africa judges panel in 2022, shortly before the commencement of season 18. Junior Bogopa judged in the Idols SA Season 18 alongside Somizi Mhlongo and Thembi Seete.

Tshepi Vundla is a South African fashion stylist and social media influencer. She and Thabo Bogopa Junior have been together for 12 years, something mzansi didn’t understand when it came to their relationship. 






A few months back, Tshepi was dragged for being in a vat and sit relationship with JR after she announced her second pregnancy on her social media pages. Vat and sit is a relationship where partners cphabitatebut they are not married. Tshepi Vundla and JR Bogopa were said to be in a vat and sit relationship because they have been staying together for years as partners but not husband and wife.

On Wednesday, the 14th of December, JR payed lobola and engaged the mother of his children, to officially claim her as his. Tshepi Vundla shared the pictures of herself and her husband on her Instagram page yesterday, showing off her engagement stunning ring.
