Xrepo| Mr X quickly puts a man at his place after he banged a table asking them what they want

Mr X was very angry yesterday

Mr X was called by Zolani to help her fetch her couch to the shop. When they got there they found the owner of the shop and he angrily asked them what they want while banging a table.


Mr X told him not to give them an attitude and stop banging a table while speaking to them. The man was quickly removed from the set, because he was trying to cause a scene. Mr X was very angry but he was able to handle the situation very well.

What people like about Mr X is that he meets different people every week, and he is able to handle his emotions no matter how hard the situation is. This man wanted to start a fight but they quickly put him at his place and he left. He is an adult he needs to learn to talk to people in a respective way.

Sources: https://twitter.com/MojaLoveTv/status