Mzansi roasts Selbeyonce after he was seen looking like this At the “How to ruin Christmas” Lunch

If there’s one thing that the Twitter universe loves to do, it’s tear people apart over their appearance. And poor Selbeyonce was the latest victim of their ruthless criticism. At the How To Ruin Christmas Baby Shower launch, the Ukhozi FM presenter was seen wearing a peach, ruffled dress that left Tweeps in tears.

One user shared a picture of Selbeyonce, unleashing a torrent of insults and judgments from many of other social users. Some even went as far as to call him names and attack his character, all because of the way he chose to dress.


But let’s be real here: who are these people to judge someone else’s appearance? Who made them the fashion police? And why do they feel the need to tear someone down just because they don’t like their outfit? It’s petty, it’s shallow, and it’s downright mean.

Selbeyonce may not have had the best fashion sense at the event, but does that give anyone the right to attack him and try to ruin his reputation? I think not. So let’s all take a step back and remember to be kind to one another, no matter how much we may disagree with someone’s sense of style. After all, it’s just a dress – and it’s not worth ruining someone’s day (or their Christmas) over. Here are some of the awful comments made by social media users in reaction to the UKhozi FM’s Host Selbeyonce’s dress;