People frequently assume that an inebriated man is more sincere. Lehasa said something to the extent that Pretty reminds him of Zandile, which we overheard. Zandile is so unbelievably gentle, Lehasa remarked, “She wouldn’t hurt a fly.” She is simple and forthright, unlike Kwezi, who is deceitful and deceptive. Lehasa won’t stop saying she is the harshest of all of them.
Even though Lehasa Maphosa is leading a vice-filled life, there is one thing he is doing right—adoring Pretty Seakemela. Lehasa has a great deal of regard for Pretty because of her integrity. Despite the opinion of some viewers of SkeemSaam that the show lacks affection. Mzansi believes it’s plausible that Zandile was exactly like Pretty since he didn’t say she reminded him of his wife Zandile; rather, he said that she reminds him of Zandile. This implies that he believes his late wife is still with him because of Pretty’s presence.

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