A Young Woman Got Dragged On Twitter After Sharing These Pictures Of Thembi Seete, Here’s Why

Thembi Seete is arguably one of the most significant women in South Africa. Specifically in the entertainment industry as she occupies almost every form of art there is. She is an amazing actress, singer, songwriter, television presenter, model, business woman and has recently been collaborating with brands which may be a new addition to her titles as a brand influencer.



She has been featured on many television shows such as Rhythm City, Idols South Africa and latest being Gomora.

Unfortunately no matter how significant people are, how influential they may be and how much their names weigh they are not protected from judgements and trolls especially on Social Media.

A young woman with the user name of @Dipruz recently got dragged after sharing Thembi Seete Pictures. People noticed how Thembi’s hands looked like on these pictures. The young woman got dragged after this.

There were mixed reactions on the comment section after people noticed this. They shared their thoughts. Below are some of the things they mentioned:

“Why are you doing this to other black women? As if you will stay fresh forever. Worse part you are also approaching Thembi’s age.” said @ZiphoratorS.