Rest In Peace || This Young Boy Died , People Are So Cruel Out There

The joy of another family has ended so painfully after losing their six year old child who died after being shot. The death of a child is the kind that always leave parents depresses and heartbroken because they tend to expect a lot from the. There is nothing as painful than losing a child. All parents surely wish the best for their children. A six year old Chaslin from Strand was painfully killed after being shot in the head. Sadly the bullet hit the head of the six year old boy and he was confirmed dead at the scene. He was such a young boy who definitely had a lot to live for and his parents were expecting a lot from him.

The way he was killed will forever bring pain to his lived one. There is no parent that can ever wish to lose a child. It is reported that a twenty five year old man has been arrested in connection to his death. People have reacted on the matter and they that he should get the punishment of his life. Others believe that he deserves a death penalty for the amount of pain that he caused to the family.

He was just a young boy and there was no need to end his life so painfully. His death will forever bring pain to his parents. Their lives will no longer be the same as they were already used to seeing him everyday. Getting used to the idea of not seeing anyone again really not easy. What is your take on this matter?, Share your views on the comment section and follow for more news. Please note that the first picture is for illustration purposes.