R.I.P Zanton he was stabbed on the chest at the Mall by his friend who is a recovering drug addict

The South African Police Service (SAPS) members have managed to secure the successful arrest of a 22 year old male suspect for the murder of Zanton Basson (pictured above), the suspect is currently detained in jail.


According to a article written by the Daily Voice news today, Thursday, 24 November 2022 it is alleged that Zanton went to Westgate Mall with his friend Carlo Grove and a heated argument ensued between both of them after Zanton tried to correct Carlo about being disrespectful. Carlo pulled out a knife and stabbed Zanton on the chest.

An ambulance was called to the scene and Zanton was rushed to Mitchells Plain Melomed where he was stabilised before he was transferred to Gatesville Melomed, unfortunately after a couple of days Zanton succumbed to his wounds and died at the hospital.

22 year old Carlo Grove was arrested by the SAPS and detained in jail, he will soon make an appearance in court to face a charge for murder.
