PHOTOS: Meet Itumeleng Khune beautiful Daughters, Second born looks exactly like him

The fact that these rising artists prioritize their families over their fame and fortune is inspiring. Many young South Africans look up to Itumeleng Khune, one of the country’s most successful players, as an example of how to balance professional success with a strong commitment to family. khune was born on June 20, 1987, making him 35 years old in June of 2022, as shown on his birth certificate.

Khune and his Instagram-famous wife welcomed their first kid in 2019. Khune’s uncommon in that he had his first child when he was far into his 30s, well over the typical age for a football player.

Khune is a doting father to two lovely young ladies. This year, 2021, Khune and Sphelele Makhunga welcomed their second child. The age difference between the oldest and youngest girls is predicted to be less than a year.




The Bafana Bafana father of three is a doting parent who makes time for his kids whenever they need him. Khune regularly shows off photos of his well-cared-for children on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

In the image above, Khune is shown treating his kids to a great day out. Many young people, after having a baby, fail to live up to their responsibilities as parents and leave their children in the care of others. The award-winning goalie khune is also a fantastic parent.

One author’s view

Seeing a young man step up and assume full parental responsibilities is immensely motivating and inspiring. Due to his fame, he is unquestionably an inspiration to many. In this way, Khune serves as a role model for young married couples who want to put their families first.

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