” Bonang pregnant?“ check out recently pictures of Bonang Matheba

Bonang Dorothy Matheba is an observed South African entertainer, radio personality, TV moderator, and virtual entertainment powerhouse. She was brought up in Mahikeng, North West, and is notable for her fiery introducing style and particular voice.

On account of intrigued devotees, Bonang Matheba is all the rage following pregnancy reports. Sovereign B has been fairly peaceful via virtual entertainment, and her fans are estimating that this is the reason for her absence of movement.

A few admirers are interested about Bonang’s confidential life since she keeps it stowed away. The superstar answered them while keeping up with her quietness over the conditions.

Individuals might accept Bonang has a child on the way due to her virtual entertainment quiet, as per ZAlebs. A supporter transparently examined her regarding it in a tweet.

Fans are forcing Bonang Matheba to make her huge uncover at the earliest opportunity since they are so anxious to see the child. Fans will deplorably need to stand by somewhat longer since Sovereign B blew their air pockets by reporting that she isn’t pregnant and isn’t about that life at the present time.

Pregnancy reports were begun by a photograph Bonang tweeted of her and her cherished cousin Pinky Young lady while they were in their lodging in Cape Town. B had her hair in a clean bun and was wearing a white outfit.

At the point when she subtitled the photograph 14.02.2022, she kind of indicated that she would go through Valentine’s Day with her cousin Pinky Young lady.

Fans were in a free for all thinking she was pregnant in view of

what had all the earmarks of being an enlarged paunch however was reality no such thing.


In any case, tragically, she said she wasn’t; as a matter of fact, when she answered one of her admirers, she said she was extinguishing her thirst with a frigid Savannah.

To celebrate the extraordinary day for sweethearts, Bonang asked her devotees to purchase blossoms and humor each other. Curious admirers enquired regarding whether she was dating somebody, and, surprisingly, after she over and over affirmed that she was, fans are as yet anxious to look into or perhaps get a look of her mystery accomplice.

In any case, another image was as of late posted and individuals couldn’t resist the opportunity to see that the sovereign b has put on weight and appears as though she is pregnant, yet certain individuals rushed to excuse the tales guaranteeing it’s simply weight gain.
