Musa Mseleku’s Wife, MaCele Is Left Disappointed By Her Stepdaughter After She Did This

The actions of Musa Mseleku’s stepdaughter have left his wife, MaCele, disappointed.

The news that Musa Mseleku’s daughter is expecting a third child has had Mzansi buzzing on social media. His first wife, MaCele, is currently raising their daughter, Sne, while Musa is away.

It’s Sne’s third pregnancy, but each of the children’s fathers is different. Both of Sne’s children are from different fathers. MaCele has split her time between her two children: she’s with the oldest.

Despite being gifted an entire home, Sne has little interest in learning how to cook. She claimed to make a batch of soft porridge once a month. MaCele was very hurt by Sne’s lack of gratitude for all that she had done for her. She treats MaCele as an equal and addresses her as such. In the previous episode, MaCele’s heart was broken when she said she now considers her to be a friend.

Even after Sne’s own father had given up on her, MaCele continued to fight for her. She treated Thando as though he were her own

throughout his upbringing. After the birth of Sne’s sec

ond kid, MaCele sat down with her to talk about birth control. Sne is ungrateful, which is unusual for a stepchild, in my opinion.

She can’t use her troubles as an excuse for this behavior, MaCele warned her once. The fact that she is incapable of caring for her one surviving child is a serious issue. What’s worse than raising one MaCele is raising the other one.

Many viewers have expressed the opinion that Sne should be evaluated by a mental health professional in a counseling setting.

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