RIP| Another singer lost his life at 34

The entertainment outlet reported that the brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter was found dead in his tub at his residence in Lancaster, California it was obvious that he had issues yet no one wanted to help him this scenario plays out daily in the inner city young men are exploited for their talent, but no one is willing to step up they don’t want to risk getting cut off. Aaron Carter was a beautiful soul he was so misunderstood by the public because his family has secrets they wanted kept, they didn’t



want people to know what he suffered through by the hands of his own sister and when he went public, he was then the outcast of his family. Subjected to the cruelty of the media he wasn’t crazy but he was abused I pray for his soul and may he rest in eternal peaceI have watched a very close friend who was severly abused as a child left on his own on the streets at the age of ten given no hope or resources to make a better life for himself, just take the most humiliating treatments anyone could imagine he has been talked about, pranked, drugged and raped and yet the tiny bit of hope inside him is everlasting and he is much stronger than any of his attackers. Yet he cant get help because shelters are full and riddled with, crime safe houses have rules no one with ptsd could just jump into, family turned their back I help as much as I can possibly give and have driven hours to pick him up when he calls in the middle of the night lost and confused. See I believe that some times some people just need to know someone out there will not give up on them

And they can tell that person anything without fear of shaming or rejection they may just need a leg up that no one ever offered before and so what if some take advantage what has anyone ever lost doing the right thing, I have learned that forgiveness is for the person who is doing it not for the one they forgave