Senzo Meyiwa must be smiling in his grave after Mandisa (pictured) fulfilled one of his dreams

Senzo Meyiwa, who has since passed away

Despite the odds, it’s possible to realize some goals. Mandisa Mkhize, an ex-lover of the late Senzo Meyiwa, has apparently accomplished one of the latter’s life goals, making the late man smile in his grave. It’s fantastic to know that one of his dreams, which he didn’t have time to accomplish while he was alive, was realized, even though he isn’t here to appreciate it.

According to Sunday World, the late ex-Orlando Pirates and Bafana Bafana captain was in the midst of constructing a house for his kids when he passed away in 2014. Since his life was cut short at the time, it fell to Mandisa to realize his vision. An eight-year construction delay has not stopped Sunday World from reporting that Mandisa will soon move into the house.

Known as Mandisa Mkhize





Sifiso Meyiwa, the late Senzo’s brother, told Sunday World that Senzo always wanted his kids to have a place of their own. However, his ambition was cut short when he passed away before the mansion could be constructed. However, Mandisa told Sunday World that she finished the house and plans to move in once she gets everything unpacked.

Sifiso told Sunday World that however much Mandisa spent to finish the house was a lot, but the exact figure is unknown. She handled everything on her own, and it’s encouraging to see that her efforts have paid off.

Sifiso is still worried about his brother’s murder case. He believes that the perpetrators will be apprehended and brought to justice in due time. The late soccer star’s brother has expressed his gratitude to Mandisa for achieving what had always been a goal of Senzo’s.