Gogo Maweni revealed this about Sk on an interview with chilling with Gigi


“I Got A Video Of You Taking Drugs In The Bathroom,” said “Gogo Maweni “

She drags her baby’s father, “SK Khoza”, behind the traditional healer. “Gogo Maweni “Shocked the media when she revealed that she has got video of her baby daddy taking drugs in the bathroom.




Dragging her estranged baby father “SK Khoza “around wherever she goes is the only thing “Gogo Maweni “is not afraid to do. Although they had a son together, “SK “has come under fire for allegedly disobeying his father.

For allegedly failing to pay “papgeld, “Gogo Maweni “criticizes “SK Khoza”. “Gogo Maweni “has been into “Sk “for some time now she first attacked him with the issue of “Sk “not taking care of their child and now this.

“Gogo Maweni “asserted that she had video of “SK “using drugs during an interview with acclaimed rapper “Gigi LaMayne “for her podcast, Point of View with” Gigi”. The conventional healer declared that she wouldn’t release the video yet.