On Tuesday, the court halted the testimony of Senzo Meyiwa’s best friend Tumelo Madlala as he was overwhelmed by emotion, as he depicted the goalkeeper’s lifeless body lying between a couch and television stand. Madlala is continuing his evidence on Wednesday.
Madlala narrated how they picked Senzo up and put him in the car after he was shot. He says “beka sinda” meaning he was heavy. They rushed him to the hospital.
Madlala says when they arrived at the hospital they were given a wheelchair instead of of stretcher. Later on a nurse then came with a picture of Senzo’s X ray, she the requested to speak to an elderly person. Kelly’s mother spoke to her.
He says Kelly’s mother came back crying and informed them that Senzo had died. He says everyone started crying. Tumelo says he then asked to view his body and they took all of them. He says he was on the stretcher covered and facing up.
He says when he went to view him the second time, Kelly came with. Madlala says he then spoke to him(Senzo) and said “is this what you called me here to see”. Tumelo says the nurses then asked them to leave the room. He says he then kissed him on the forehead and Kelly removed his watch.
Several people on Twitter find it odd that Kelly did what she did. “After a traumatic night, being attacked and the love of your life got shot and you think about the watch?”, a Twitter user reacted. Again, according to Tumelo the watch was removed after Senzo came back from the X-ray.
Did he go to the X-ray with a watch? Or did the nurses put back the watch to a dead body? These are damning questions arising. What Tumelo is bringing right now is fire and he is unaware!
Another tweep reacted: ” I need someone to make me understand why Kelly was not too traumatized to a point that she would think of a watch at such a trying moment”.
Kelly Khumalo once Senzo died in her arms. “I saw his face turn blue”, Kelly said in one of her shows. But today Tumelo revealed that When they arrived at the hospital/Clinic, they took Senzo and after a while a nurse came and told MaM-Khumalo that Senzo had died. Now we know, between Tumelo and Kelly, one of them lied!

Madlala says they went back to the benches where it was now packed. He says Mandisa (Senzo’s wife) was there too. Tumelo narrated how was chaos erupted at the hospital entrance.
“I don’t know if Mandisa and Kelly were fighting because there was even hair on the ground. Maumela: Was it hair or a wig. Tumelo: I don’t know if it was Mandisa or her friends because they were there too.