South African Man Confronts Two Mozambican Street Vendors And Said This To Theme

The fed up south africans are enforcing the country’s immigration laws,wherever they go,the illegal foreigners who are roaming around the streets are having a hard time in south africa.Given a chance,the south africans would push out these illegal people out of their communities at a very short space of time,though there is something resistance brought about an ever rising number of foreign nationals in south africa,the south africans are still the majority.The illegal foreigners from all over the African and Asian countries are all over south africa and doing the things they are prohibited by law to do,the foreign nationals have taken over the informal businesses and the low skills entry level jobs that were supposed to be occupied by the locals as the laws of the country suggests.Two Mozambican men who were selling peanuts in the robots were confronted by a brave south african man




,the called the duo and asked them who are they and where do they come from,the men told him that they’re from Maputo,the man went on to ask them for the passports and one guy told him that they left them at home.The angry man told the duo to never come and sell in that area and they should go back to their country as there are many south africans who can do that job.The man continued to ask them if there’s any south african who is doing what they’re doing in south africa,the duo replied with a big no.The south african department of home affairs and the department of labour and employment are sabotaging the poor south africans,these two departments have the powers to discourage the illegal immigrants who are coming into the country in millions,the department of home affairs should have long time ago secured the borders and made sure that whoever comes into the country is registered and can be traced,the department of labour and employment should have applied the employment laws of the country and discourage the businesses from hiring the foreigners.