Beautiful Pictures of Baby Asante’s 1st birthday party

Dj Zinhle and Murdah Bongz baby girl Asante turned one year old on the 8th of September. However baby Asante’s party was held yesterday on the 12th of September and everything looked absolutely gorgeous.


Baby Asante looked so cute in her pink party dress. DJ Zinhle and Murdah Bongz posted pictures to their Instagram stories and page and thanked her friend Moozlie for throwing the party for Asante. DJ Zinhle and Murdah Bongz also looked so cute at their daughters birthday party as they posed for pictures.

Asante had a coco melon cake and the decor was done in pastel rainbow colours and it looked beautiful. Asante is also standing and walking on her own now. Kairo also took pictures with her baby sister.

Check out all the pictures and leave your thoughts in the comments section and don’t forget to like share and follow me for more entertainment.