Watch: Friends of slain alleged kingpin splash stacks of cash as they shopped for funeral clothes

Prince “King Mongol” Mahlangu’s funeral attracted worldwide attention, propelling Soshanguve to the top of Twitter’s trending topics. According to reports, Prince was the ringleader of a car-jacking ring that exported stolen vehicles to Mozambique, Zambia, and Tanzania. You can see he lived a lavish lifestyle full of expensive automobiles and fashionable clothes by perusing his Instagram account (@king prince 79). It is believed that a hit was carried out last week when Prince was shot and died in Sunnyside. However, not everyone was saddened by his passing; some were scathing of his lavish lifestyle and questionable means of money accumulation.

Mourners arrived dressed to the nines, making Prince Mahlangu’s funeral a fashion spectacle. Many different types of people attended the funeral, all dressed to the nines and driving dazzling German luxury vehicles. A procession of Mercedes Benz cars led the mourners to the funeral. People are sharing videos of themselves shopping for pricey attire specifically for the funeral on Twitter. It was made abundantly clear by the family that only automobiles manufactured after 2022 would be permitted to attend the burial. Attendees were asked to dress formally and wear only authentic, high-priced garments. Another video shows a man buying clothes with large amounts of cash. Some mourners have been spotted window shopping for high-end labels on their way to the funeral.







Several speakers at his funeral highlighted Prince’s kindness. It was related how the narrator would provide for the poor by purchasing food and even high-priced clothing for those in need. Many don’t understand why so many people, particularly in Soshanguve and the surrounding townships, spoke so highly about the deceased. Even if I may be wrong, this has prompted a great deal of introspection, and I believe I have an explanation for why things are the way they are.

These days, success is often measured in terms of the amount of material possessions one has amassed over the course of their lives. Each member of such a society is obsessed with amassing as much wealth as possible. People who have achieved material success, regardless of how they did so, make better role models. Many people held Prince Mahlangu in the highest esteem and looked up to him as a role model. Although his involvement in major criminal activity was public knowledge, many people viewed him as a hero.

It’s all due of a bad guy that Soshanguve has become popular. In spite of their concerns about safety, they actively aid and abet criminals in their communities. They are aware of the crooks and their hiding places, yet they do nothing to stop them. You’ve arrived in the wonderful country of South Africa!
