Tamia Mpisane had a tombstone unveiling for her father and grandfather.

In life everything happens for a reason. And in most instances we don’t understand God’s reason for giving us that pain but as they time heals all wounds. Eventually we get to live with the pain and everything else that life has had to offer. Because no matter what pain you are going through, life doesn’t stop for you.





Tamia Mpisane became famous after getting married to Andile Mpisane. Everyone wanted to know more about her. Unfortunately she’s very reserved and minds her own business. The couple has a daughter named Miaandy. She was recently announced as the chairwoman for Royal AM, which made sense because it is owned by her husband.

She’s shared heartfelt posts, it was her father and grandfather’s tombstone unveiling. The tombstones themselves scream money and that’s a beautiful way of honoring her people. She looked radiant as always. She kept it simple with just a dress and makeup.
