“What’s happening in Nigeria?” Check out what these people did that caused a stir

From 6 February 1952 until her passing on 8 September 2022, Elizabeth II reigned as Queen of the United Kingdom. Her 70 years and 214 days of reign were the second-longest of any monarch of a sovereign state and the longest of any British monarch.

Throughout her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth’s country had a complicated connection with the continent of Africa.

Up until 1960, Nigeria was governed by the British Empire. On the streets of the UK’s capital, several individuals expressed their grief over the passing of the monarch.

Paul Apel, a Nollywood film maker, said: “I felt so sad when I learned about her passing, but I also celebrate her life as a symbol of leadership, a sign of peace.”

“I recall she handed us our independence on a golden platter, and I am appreciative of that.”

Others honored the occasion by criticizing the Queen online, like Uju Anya, a lecturer who currently resides in the US.

The UK supported a military dictatorship in the 1960s that put an end to the Biafra revolt in the country’s east.


If anyone expects me to express anything other than disgust for the monarch who oversaw a government that supported the genocide that killed and uprooted half of my family and the effects of which those alive today are still working to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star, Anya wrote on Twitter.”

Her university, Carnegie Mellon, distanced itself from her remarks, calling them “offensive and repulsive” in a statement.

Residents of Cape Town reacted to her passing in different ways. The Economic Freedom Fighters, a Marxist opposition group in South Africa, declared that it will not mourn the Queen because of her nation’s historical efforts to “dehumanize” Africans.

It read, “We do not lament Elizabeth’s passing.” We have had a painful contact with Britain because of death and dispossession as well as the dehumanization of Africans.

Speaking of mourning the queen this guy’s caused a stir on social media as their seen with the queen’s picture and wearing black and they seem to be mourning her, but some people didn’t buy it and felt that they were joking.