PHOTOS: Did you know Cyril Ramaphosa has a sister who looks exactly like him? Take a look at her

The President of the Republic of South Africa. Cyril Ramaphosa is a family man, just like everyone else. Ramaphosa has a history that involves his ancestry and how his family raised him. On November 17, 1952, in Soweto, President Cyril was born. He started elementary education there and graduated from high school in Venda.

Cyril Ramaphosa was born to Samuel and Edmurth Ramaphosa in Tshiawelo, Soweto. He was born into a Venda family. The second of three kids is named Cyril. Of a former huge family of five, only Cyril and his sister are still alive. Sadly, everyone else has passed away.





This article is about the sister of the president of the Republic of South Africa. The sister’s name is Ivy Ramaphosa, according to the anime poster. She is the family’s oldest child and the only sister. She currently resides in Soweto, where his brother and I both grew up. Ivy, the place she was born, and all the wealth his brother has.

Like her brother, Ivy Ramaphosa is very private, therefore little about her is available to the media. He does, however, firmly support Cyril Ramaphosa. When Ramaposa was successfully worn during the 2018 Nasrec elections, Ivy allegedly rejoiced. She commented that it was difficult for her to imagine that her brother would one day be president. Cyrill Ramaphosa’s father reportedly never thought that his son would become a black president and that he would be his son.

The sources claim that Ivy has also acknowledged that their father, who never dreamed there would be a black president, is beaming from wherever he is as he knows that his beloved child is in command of the country.
