“That child will be bullied” SAns react to Faith Nketsi baby’s name

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Faith Nketsi has been hot news for the past couple of days. The expose of her “private” pregnancy and delivery stirred quite the conversation online.


For most people, she’s one of the luckiest women who lived their best lives and still got ringed by a man who not only loves her, but is young and genuine with his intentions with her.

Now, yesterday, she finally let South Africans know the chosen name for her bundle of joy.

Her baby’s name is “Sky”. Sky Njilo. She posted the information on her Instagram.

She’s being accused of trying to mirror Kim Kardashian’s logic of baby naming. This sounds like a ridiculous assumption but given her love and obsession with the Kardashians, it’s not far fetched that she’d follow suit in her logic of baby naming.

Apart from this, South Africans have expressed their disapproval at the name; citing setting the child up for bullying.

I think naming your child should not be overshadowed by references of future bullying. The fact that parents are assuming that the child will be bullied shows that they don’t emphasise that there’s no reason to bully someone; they are the ones who enable their children to bully others. Instead of dedicating their time to stopping children from bullying others, they’d rather police other parents on ‘acceptable’ names to give their children.