Dali Malinga catches Ayanda on CCTV footage with Nkosiyabo and Lelethu closes in on Sphe, this week.

This week on Generations The Legacy, murder, serial killers, and covert affairs are on the menu, so don’t miss out!

Let’s get started.

Sphe Cele and Ayanda Malinga in full motion!

Two ladies who are keeping terrible secrets from the public are going to come out. Sphe and Ayanda are those two women.

Both Sphe and Ayanda are concealing a complete dead body from Pele, but those secrets are soon to come to light.

Starting with Sphe

Weeks have passed when Sphe killed Winston Majori, and ever since, we have been avoiding the subject with her. Lelethu simply happened to stumble upon this knowledge. He overheard Pamela, his girlfriend, and Sphe discussing how to keep some aspects of this a secret. Lelethu learned Pam was there at the Zola Radebe hotel when Sphe shot Winston last week after he bought the CCTV footage from the front desk.



Continue reading Dali Malinga catches Ayanda on CCTV footage with Nkosiyabo and Lelethu closes in on Sphe, this week.

Coming Up This Week On #Scandal

This Week On Scandal

Monday 25 July 2022

Episode 82

A very furious man causes fear of what the future holds for an entire family. Nhlamulo and Lindiwe’s live’s are changed by an elder persons words. Dintle faces legal actions.
Tuesday 26 July 2022

Episode 83

Dudu reminds Jojo what they stand to lose when he threatens to pull the plug. A broken family finds peace and healing for new beginnings.
Wednesday 27 July 2022


Continue reading Coming Up This Week On #Scandal

Uzalo: Hleziphe discovered something about Kwanda that will leave her with a question mark

Hleziphe just discovered something about Kwanda that will leave her with a question mark

Currently Hleziphe is not sure that Kwanda is a drug dealer, but she is suspected, she tried to tell Nonka but unfortunately she couldn’t, because Kwanda interrupted her while she was about to talk.


Continue reading Uzalo: Hleziphe discovered something about Kwanda that will leave her with a question mark

ISENCANE LENGANE RECAP :Thando has a baby boy while Siyacela goes out drinking.

Siyacela went out and got drunk while his wife was in labor. When the crew called him, he insulted them. Thando was abandoned by this boy. He only returned the next day, after the baby had already been born

Siyacela made Thando get dressed before leaving the hospital because he wanted to eat her food. Thando is breastfeeding and has recently given birth to his child. She needs all of her strength.








Continue reading ISENCANE LENGANE RECAP :Thando has a baby boy while Siyacela goes out drinking.

Lady Mo’s Make-up Laughed At

Lady Mo’s make-up tends to become a topic whenever he poses for pictures, and this time around it was no exception.

Just yesterday, pictures of him were posted whereby he heavily applied make-up on his face. However, the make-up shade was way lighter than his skin tone. It was just not well blended. Naturally, he has a dark skin tone. However, after applying the make-up, he ended up having two different tones – a light one on his face and a dark one from his neck and the rest of the body. This is why social media users did not hold back the criticism. Others even reacted with a laughing reaction.


Continue reading Lady Mo’s Make-up Laughed At