After Being Released From Prison, Faith Insist On Staying At The Zwide Mansion

After Being Released From Prison, Faith Insist On Staying At The Zwide Mansion

Faith is really not showing any remorse after what she did she still wants to stay at the Zwide mansion. She is just being selfish and inconsiderate. The family is still in shock and they need a little bit of time away from her.




The little she can do now is to give them space but her pride won’t let her. All she cares about is her luxurious life and the Zwide mansion. Her ego won’t let her move from staying at a mansion to a four room house in Thembisa. She is not ready to go back to be the poor Faith she was.

Faith wants everyone to believe that she is innocent. Faith killed Funani’s wife and she does not see anything wrong with that. All she wants is pity even when she does not deserve it. Faith expects everyone to tolerate her after what she did and it is just too much to ask.
