Amanda Dupont enjoys her food chilling at Marly hotel. Check all her beautiful pictures

Amanda Dupont was at Marley’s Hotel having a good time as she got her room service. She ordered her meal, and it looks absolutely delicious. She loves having a good time and travelling around the country to any place that is beautiful. She is well traveled and she is not about to stop very soon. She is also an actress, but she does not appear a lot on TV shows lately.


She had the longest TV show as Skeem Sam, and other than that, she has a tremendous lifestyle. Since no longer being single but married, she has been traveling and continues not to appear on TV shows as before. It must be very beautiful to be married and have to travel around the world. She is one of those people who travel all over the world.





She would spend a month or two being an explorer of the world. She has been to all the beautiful places you can’t think of. She has been there and she would surely love to explore other more beautiful cities. She has managed to avoid being as hated on or being heartbrean being trolled since the Jub Jub situation became public. One thing is that social media is tough.


Even Julius Malema has said that social media (Twitter) streets can be very rough and if you are weak, stay away from Twitter. He is very much right on that one, and even with Solphenduka, he was being trolled a lot. Solphenduka advised by MacG from the podcast to turn off the comments and only be on Twitter when it is needed. They have also advised Nota Baloyi to stay away from Twitter because it is consuming him badly.