RHOD Reunion. Lanconco Reveals more about Petal.

Lancoco had everyone curious about a mysterious man named petal throughout the whole seasons two of Real Housewives of Durban. Jojo discovered who petal is and she claimed that petal is not as rich as Lancoco portrayed him to be and that he doesn’t own a yacht like how everyone else believed.



Continue reading RHOD Reunion. Lanconco Reveals more about Petal.

“Come to the winning team and be happy, why join other teams” Themba mocks his former housemates

Is this wrong

Themba takes it to social media to share a video with his friends. He says on the vodeo that people should come join the winning team, which it is his team that is winning. He asks why people join other teams instead of coming to him.

People reacted different to his video by saying that this is not Themba that they knew from Big Brother Mzansi. They say that he changed to another whole person or maybe he is now showing his true colors.

Some of the fans are still behind him and supporting throughout his uprising music career. I have to say that he must not influence other people to join his team and not others. Everyone has a right to join any housemate they want. Everyone is trying to push their own careers, he does not have to drag other housemates because it is really wrong.

Kids are a chunk of energy. They will in a real sense leave you in lines with the things that they c

Ladies are a cabbage, there are such countless layers to them. You will strip ordinarily and track down many layers. They can dress a specific way and change everything around in a flash. That is the reason the majority of them can wear heels, tennis shoe and be fiery girls.






Mmabatho Montsho is an entertainer and chief. She’s been in the business for a long time now. She recently featured on Rhythm City, Generations and some more. She coordinated a couple of shows as of late and, surprisingly, showed up on Lockdown.

She’s one of the superstars that can pull off numerous things. She has spitfire propensities which she pulls of easily. She shared a lovely image of herself looking astonishing. She inscribed the image “A sweetie with no bootie. Trust you’re having a day as attractive as me. ☀️” Her fans couldn’t quit spouting over her. She nailed the look impeccably. Relatively few individuals would nail it. She’s wearing one of Ndlozi’s rabbits.

Mbuyiseni Ndlozi Pays Tribute To South African Actor And EFF Member Fana Mokoena On His Birthday

Fana Mokoena is a famous South African actor who has been in many great movies and TV shows, like “Hotel Rwanda” and “Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom.” He is also a loyal member of the political party Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), which is why EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi paid tribute to him this morning on his birthday.

Fana Mokoena was born on May 13, 1971, which makes today, May 13, 2022, his 51st birthday. EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi posted a tribute to Fana Mokoena on his official Twitter account, calling him a “revolutionary and talented artist.”



“Happy birthday to @fanamokoena, an artist who has changed the world and is very talented.

You’re welcome back to the screens! A right that only our picket lines have had for almost ten years. Soon, you’ll be able to watch the revolution on TV! 👊🏾” – Mbuyiseni Ndlozi.

Uncle Waffles is Being financially Exploited by her management allegedly

Uncle waffles is one of the most highly demanded Dj in the country and it fair to say she is currently having the best time in her career. It was alleged that the successful DJ is being milked by her management company and she is currently being exploited.



It was alleged that her management company is currently taking 40 percent of her money which under industry regulations they should be taking 20 percent. This news sad but unfortunately very common especially when it comes to new and upcoming artist.

Recently it was Lady Du crying out that her manager is milking her and sabotaging her behind her back. Intaba Yase Dubai came and disclosed that he is being exploited and not being paid his what he is owed.

RHOD Reunion. Lanconco Reveals more about Petal.

Lancoco had everyone curious about a mysterious man named petal throughout the whole seasons two of Real Housewives of Durban. Jojo discovered who petal is and she claimed that petal is not as rich as Lancoco portrayed him to be and that he doesn’t own a yacht like how everyone else believed.




Lancoco was asked if Petal was real and she responded and said that he is breathing well and that he is someone she met with and liked. When confronted with the alleged fact that he is not rich, to everyone surprise Lancoco did not argue or correct Jojo about her claim that the man is not rich and did not own a Yacht. Some of the ladies sees Lancoco as not an honest person because of the Petal issue plus her secretiveness when it comes to things such as her true location and house.

Some people feel that she shouldn’t be on a reality Tv show and still want to hide so much. One thing for sure, Lancoco is not going to be less secretive about her life and maybe this is because of her relationship with ex who was a member of the parliament. Lancoco is definitely a mistry and we wonder if she will continue to season three of the show.