The country seems to be divided now, with the issue that minister of Sports, recreation and Arts and culture, Nathi Mthethwa wants to construct a flag that will cost more than R20 million.
Many people seems to be against the idea because of the status quo in the republic of South Africa, with more people continuing living under extreme poverty.
Penny came in defense of minister Nathi Mthethwa but Robert Marawa dealt with Penny Lebyane in 2 seconds, after that her views were so irrelevant.
“Obviously Nathi Mthethwa is not liked by a whole industry that hates itself so nothing new there for me. But l have a question. How did they build your favorites The Eiffel Tower in Parys, Statue Of Liberty in NewYork, Christ The Redemeer in Rio De Janeiro? Why do u like them? “, this was Penny Defensive statement to minister Nathi Mthethwa.
Robert Marawa came forward and brought Penny into order by saying that ” They were NOT flags!! They were NOT vanity projects in a struggling economy of mass youth unemployment caused by a thieving government!! “