Pictures of Sfiso and Ayanda Ncwane before fame and after fame

Nobody could argue that Sfiso Ncwane was a revered South African gospel singer, and there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that he was loved by many.



They worked hard together even though they were both in their early twenties when they tied the knot.

With no doubt, their passion and dedication for what they do has gotten them to where they are now in their separate professions and careers.

Sadly, Sfiso Ncwane has passed away, leaving behind his widow and two kids to carry on the family name and his work.

His wife has been a huge success in the music industry, and there’s no mistake about that.

Since its inception, Abatandwa has been creating beautiful music and winning accolades for its efforts. She is the manager of this group.

“Real Housewives of Johannesburg” refers to the current reality television show in which she is a cast member.