What happened at the Oscar’s will never be forgotten when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock after he made a G.I. Jane 2 joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith’s shaved head.
There are definitely two sides to this situation if one wants to take sides. On one side, Will Smith was right (we do not condone violence). Any partner who feels that their other half is being disrespected will definitely stand up for them. On the other side, Chris Rock is a comedian, isn’t it what comedians do? They make fun of any situation just to get a laugh not a slap.

On Trooper Bob – ABC News 4 Traffic Tracker’s page, the author had shared their view on the matter and sided with Chris Rock. They posted, “I feel bad for what happened to Chris Rock. Comedians can’t be comedians anymore. He’s such a nice guy! He used my limousine company several times when he flew into Charleston. He even gave my son a tour of the jet he was flying out on and took care of all my guys with a gracious tip! Actually, I drove him and his family one time and he couldn’t have been any nicer.”
Maybe Chris Rock’s joke wasn’t interpreted well by Will Smith and maybe he could have just stayed away from saying anything about Jada’s shaved head. But then again, we can’t really control how people react to the things we say. We might mean one thing, while others interpret it entirely different from what we had meant.
It was definitely admirable how Chris handled the situation, he might have been embarrassed and stunned as he also didn’t expect that kind of reaction. Many are proud that he also didn’t swear at Will Smith or try to hit him back. He thought of his brand and composed himself.
Below is how social media reacted to the Chris Rock and Will Smith situation:
Joann Browning wrote, “I love Chris Rock! He’s a great comedian. It’s sad these days comedians can’t be theirselves.”
Terry Hardison wrote, “His composure in a very bad incident was amazing. I believe Will Smith and his family are too” full” of themselves and have let Fame get the better of them. Not a good look! ”
Danielle Hughes wrote,” A true class act and wonderful representation of a Black man. He refused to perpetuate the stereotype. This man protects the village. Take notes Mr. Smith. ”
The Smith’s haven’t been in the good eye of the public in a very long time as Jada was involved with her son’s friend August Alsina.
Allegedly Will and Jada are in an open marriage and had separated when the affair between August and Jada happened. When Jada and Will talked about it on The Red Table, you could see that Will was hurt about all of this. But we are happy they could work things out.
It doesn’t end there as Will Smith has now resigned from the Oscar Academy, and even though he has resigned, the Academy’s president says they are still continuing with the disciplinary process.
There has not been a #CancelWill yet, perhaps the public undertands why Will reacted the way he did. And we suppose most men would do what he did by protecting how beloved from being the joke of the night. All the best to him and we hope the Oscar Academy is not harsh with their outcome, the man is already receiving backlash from the public already, and he seem remorseful.