Dloz’lami: Sis Thembi warns about spiritual diseases

Dloz’lami is a show that airs on Moja Love every Tuesday. It is hosted by Thembi Nyathi who acts as a medium for them to communicate with their ancestors to resolve their issues. This week we met a mother and daughter duo who had their own unique set of issues.
Barbara wrote to the show to communicate with her mother but the session took a turn.




Thembi came in to help as per usual but had issues being able to enter the yard when the ancestors refused. Once she was sat down with the family it became clear the issues were numerous. Including a mix and mash determination to try everything

However, when that was settled it was time to get into things with Barbara’s daughter. She revealed that dreams of intercourse mean that there is a spiritual disease at play. It was shocking but made a lot of sense. Dreams like that are unsettling and likely indicated that something is wrong.

Social Media Response
People reacted to the news of spiritual diseases.

A final user wrote, “She got a Spiritual Disease that she inherited from her Boyfriend and she needs cleaning 😭😭#Dlozlami”

I think that this information is so vital to so many people. I know I’ve had odd dreams like this in the past and at least now people know what to do in that instance. It is likely why shows like Dloz’lami are so important, they address the issues that people can at time be naive about.