Generation the legacy|Pele and Nontle gets on a serious conversation about this.

Pele’s marriage is a serious threat after Nontle start to discover huge information about her mother cheating with her boss, at work which gas started to give the young lady a huge power over her mother, because whenever she starts advising her she reminds her about cheating on Pele.

But this time Pele has started to ask Nontle difficult questions about her relationship which might make her spill the beans, because she will tell Pele about how her mother is cheating on him, and Pele might end up divorcing Ayanda after this issue.

Maybe Noble has to be cool when she answers this guy because he had been too good to her since Tau was arrested in the past years, and now he wants to see her making the right decision in her life so that she cannot regret it later when thongs go bad on their lives.

But this family has bigger issues to deal with because Obby and her boyfriend are planning to use Ezweni as a way to destroy Ayanda, and them might found it interesting, when they learn that Nontle is dating one of the clients at Ezweni because it’s against company policies.