Boyfriend of 12 years. Twitter does not like how Musa made the announcement

For Musa Khawula, he has been on top of his game as being someone who is loyal by making announcements about what is happening with South African celebrities or anyone who is famous. But, for the second time, his followers are dissatisfied with how he makes the announcements that will land him in hot water at some point.

Image of Musa Khuwula:

He tweeted “boyfriend of twelve years” and his followers did not like it. It was not necessary from how they have been looking at it and many others have been making predictions about what he will tweet next time. Even though he is now aware continuously, he keeps on making more announcements. Should he stop? It is his option, and if he does not, he should not offend other people.


Surely they like him, and if they are happy as his followers, it should be a red flag that he is doing something wrong with his tweets. But, as it has been around with what he likes to tweet on social media, he has made it there, allegedly, as is the word that would keep him safe. It is the same thing MacG and Solphenduka were talking about on the podcast and chill.