Hell Breaks Lose On Rea Tsotella: Fists Fly Live On TV As Family Fails To Reach Common Ground

Rea Tsotella aims to bring together families which happen to have a certain conflicts, they try to come in between the family members to solve the problem they may have come across which is tearing the family apart. This happens after one family member wrote to the show seeking help to maybe with the help of the show, come together with their family member and bury the hatchet, but it is not in every case where the show manages to help the family to smile the peace pipe, in some cases, they come and go as they were before coming to the show, their problems happen to be way beyond Bishop Makamu’s ability to help.

Mandla wrote to Moja Love’s Rwa Tsotella after he was kicked out by his sister from his late Mother’s house, that was after the mother died following Ntombana’s utterance when she allegedly said the mother will die and she eventually died, then she decided to kick Mandla and everybody out of the house with her own intentions of benefiting alone from the house.







Moja Love’s security officials had a their hands full as the show was edging closer to the end when Mandla’s girlfriend Thlogi could could not take the insults and the lies which were coming out of Ntombana’s mouth in her own defense, Thlogi decided to deal with her the old fashioned way, by giving her a couple of slaps and punches, she ran and stood right on Ntombana’s face, suggesting that she was ready to fight and water bottle were flying all over the place.

Thlogi was boiling with anger since she was saying she has taken too much abuse from Ntombama and she needed justice, she felt she needs to set the record straight and make Ntombana feel what she felt back when she beat her up and even used pepper spray on her.

While they battle each other, Mandla was not doing anything except just saying that this is how his sister Ntombana behaves, she always resort to violence.