Big Xhosa loves his new hats and takes beautiful pictures. Check his pictures

Big Xhosa loves his new dripping hats and he admits that he realized how much he is in love with them. He has bought multiple of them and has rocked them at various times. When he was with Mr. Smeg in Gqeberha, having a great time, he was wearing the other one different by colour. Surely he has bought more of them because he loves them a lot.






Big Xhosa is known for making controversial rap music and just taking a battle with anyone. At the moment, no other rapper has come up with the courage to battle with him, but he does not stop making music. He has been releasing emotional rap music also where he is focusing more on creating a beautiful moment than just having fun with the mic.

He is a great person who loves to make great music and surely he will be planning to travel around the country as he loves meeting other people. He is an artist and he would be traveling around the country and maybe Mr. Smeg will get him to the other side of the country. Chris Excel is another person who is having a good time with his music as much as he appreciates it.

He is currently obsessed with hats that are similar but different in color. He has changed his look and it is great since now is the time to focus more on the winter season and its fashion. He has a different fashion sense and his friend, Mr. Smeg, is also loving his unique look.