DBN Gogo Flexes R60k Luxury Item

Many celebrities who have made it in the industry they demand quality when it come to accessories, cars, house and clothes. Many dress to flex, some they just want to encourage their fans to work harder and achieve big things in their life.

They also want to inspire others that it possible to make bag as a black child. When you put energy and focus on your dreams.

However the truth of the matter is some fans they get disgusted when celebrity flaunt their wealth. It depends how it was presented to you. Some celebrities they want to smell nice and look nice to have confidence.

Mandisa “DBN gogo” Radebe who is a daughter to a powerful politician Jeff Radebe. She has explained her choice of luxury accessories and why. She has a number of design clothes and accessories such as Maxhosa,Rich Mnisi, Alexander Mcqeen,North face Gucci and Prada just to name a few brands she has on her closet.

However she has fell in love more with her accessories.

Her favorite items are bags and shoes.

When she buys something she want to be comfortable

she can’t get enough of Alma BBS.




She thinks long term when it comes to fashion. She wants something that she can wear again when she feels like. she does not want to regret buying items.

if she falls in love with a luxurious item she will buy no matter how much it is. When you go on the internet to check one of her item the luxurious puffer jacket it cost an estimated R $3.400 when you convert to Rand around R50 000 according to a source.

She normally goes for the local brand when she goes shopping.

Riky Rick used to inspire people in terms of fashion because, he believes that the more you look good the more confident you become. If you don’t look good your confidence could go down.