#SkeemSkaam| Eunice gets herself onto trouble again, see details


Eunice is starting to lose control of the money that Fanie has left with him and this time she is starting to show people her true colors about money, because she has been lying to Mr. Kgomo about how the geyser has exploded in her home where she rushed out of work so that she can go somewhere.

She planned to go to a car dealership to buy the car that she needs but her problem is that she doesn’t have proper documentation. buy that car, because she has asked someone to help her until she gets that documentation and this might get her into huge trouble because people will start to ask questions anoutwehere she got the money.





The young woman will start to regret every moment that she wasted her money on because she will be buying unessacery goods for the sake of spoiling herself, while she doesn’t know that Lehasa is watching her and he might attack her anytime when he wants his money.

Emkay also tried to come up with a proposal to her so that they buy Lehasa restaurant and be silent partners, because it was Fanie’s intention to buy the restaurant and now the young lady is been controlled by the amount of no et that can end anytime.

She might also lose her job and her loved ones because she does not listen to anyone which gives her serious problems, because she might need them when things get tougher and her legacy of Fanie will be blown away.