UNCLE DREW: My life has changed and I bought a BMW SUV

Other people have purchased vehicles which they never wanted, but it is better to not have a vehicle at all. Some people are not interested in or want to buy a vehicle, and they are fine with that. They don’t really push too hard to get a car, even if it means for them to get into debt while trying to settle the remaining amount.



Uncle Drew is a happy man, even though he is not getting all the congratulations from the people who made comments on his tweeted pictures. He does not have to take the bad comments and just listen to or read the comments that are positive for him. It is a reality of life that not everyone in life will say congratulations.


Some people do not hate him for buying the BMW SUV. They are actually individuals who just finding an amusing moment in almost anything. Chris Rock made a funny remark, but it was not intended to the recipient to get offended. Many more comedians, such as Trevor Noah, Skhumba and many more loves making jokes with anything.


However, if you make a joke to someone who does not know it came from you, you should be able to convince that person that you were just making jokes and that he or she does not have to take it personal. It is much better than leaving it without explaining why you made the joke, because that person would take it personally and be angry.