For the past 25 years she has been playing vho Mukondeleli ok n Muvhango and many people are going to be sad by her departure from muvhango.
It is not Simple to find a good character who will play and teach the young people to live a good life she have played a very good role in the society teaching and preserving the venda culture in South Africa and her role will Never be forgotten.
Language and culture must be preserved and is the responsibility of the people of that tribe to do that once the culture is extinct the young people will have to learn foreign culture.
Many languages and culture in South Africa are beginning to fade away in all the native language and culture we don’t have the word xenophobia, this something which came to South Africa when they introduce borders.
Vho Mukondeleli played a very good role for the venda culture which continue to be side line in South Africa up-to-date muvhango is the only venda Telenovela which is played in national TV Channels.
And update the venda version on the national anthem is still not included in a country which have one of the best constitution but the race inequality and tribe and language inequality is still visible post apartheid era.