AKA remembers Neli and now it has been a year since her tragic death

AKA took a moment to remember and appreciate the moments he had when he was with Neli Tembe and after they got married, which ended in tragedy. Even though he will not change the past, he remembers the good times they had. The least he can do is have a remembrance of the good times that were also shared on social media.




Even today, he still finds it a painful period in his life, but he has moved on and with Nadia Nakai. He is coming from a different situation as some people on social media, Twitter to be specific, tried to drag AKA down but it did not go as well as they wanted. He was supported and defended because he is not something that people can just make jokes about. It is very sensitive.

It has been a year and for him to move on, there is no problem with it. It was going to happen either way. Bad times are part of life and some people don’t just get it or they are being ignorant about the fact that Mr. Forbes is trying to reflect back and also move on with a good celebration for the late Mrs. Forbes. Surely, knowing how AKA he is, he was going to make a song for her.

Maybe he can honour her with a song and as for his current partner, Nadia Nakai, he would also have a dedication song for her. That is one of the interesting parts about AKA, who loves to appreciate what he has in his life. For as long as he wants to appreciate and have a moment of remembrance, he should be able to do it.

Even though he knows how people will behave by taking advantage of social media, he is not someone who will snap back and he only focuses on what is good for him. Surely Nadia Nakai is not having a problem with it and even though they are no longer together. It is a painful moment for someone to lose his or her life like that.